For the new beginner it is an automatic process when learning new techniques to remember and understand the terms and descriptions of the various stances, kicks and punches but for the more advanced student and instructor it is vital to remember these things to the fullest extent. Knowing the name of a specific punch will not make any difference when it comes to a fight but a senior student will be looked upon by the new or lower graded student for guidance and if the more senior student cannot help in this way it would look bad for him or her.
For a senior student to have gaps in their knowledge however is not that vital to a degree as they are still learning the fighting arts themselves but for a qualified instructor who wears the coveted black belt to lack knowledge and experience in such matters will most likely leave the new or lower graded student wondering if they are qualified enough or are they one of those bogus instructors that they sometimes hear about.
No matter how good the instructor is with regard to his or her physical abilities if they lack knowledge and teaching skills then they will instil doubt and a lack of confidence in the students that they teach. No one of course can remember everything about the martial arts or learn everything that there is to know but a good working knowledge of all the basics and a good understanding of the specific martial art in question is important.
Just imagine what it would be like if you were talking to the man in charge at a building site and he did not know what a shovel was.