Saturday, 5 April 2014

Are You An Addict?

ARE YOU AN ADDICT? - to the martial arts?
Someone said to me a very long time ago that martial arts is nothing more than an acquired skill in kicking and punching etc.. and that all the hype and debate is just simply a waste of time and energy.
In just the same way that peeling a spud, (Potato), fast is an acquired skill, so is the art of combat. When you think about it in a logical way - how long does it take to learn the art of punching someone in the face?
If you spend all your time training and thinking about the martial arts then, just like drugs and booze, maybe your acquired skill is now an addiction? If all your time is consumed with the practice of the combat arts to the point that all the other regular normal things in life are neglected then this, of course, is a negative thing.
A true martial artist must also experience life and the ways of other people to be a true practitioner and not just live a life of isolation within the Dojo, Gym or Kwoon.
Worth thinking about - yes?

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