Sunday 23 March 2014

Gloves Or No Gloves?

Say the word 'bareknuckle' and most, if not all, will know what you are on about without hesitation. Bareknuckle Boxing is one of the most well known of all the 'old style' boxing matches with a history that goes back at least a couple of hundred years. Sadly however it also has a reputation for being not only illegal and bloody but also a high risk factor of damage to both, not only the body, but also the mind in the form of brain damage.
Today we have a multitude of martial art styles, self-defence courses and of course mixed martial arts, (or cage fighting as some of us call it), to choose from including of course the vastly popular boxing that is promoted through not only various venues but also via the television media. In the case of bareknuckle boxing however the problem of 'image' is very much a problem due to its past history and how it was, and still is, portrayed over its long and in-depth history.

So what is involved in modern day bareknuckle boxing and how does in compare to the regular boxing that we have all come to know and support over the years?
Being invited to a bareknuckle boxing event in Nottingham, (UK), in March 2014 that also included regular boxing, I was keen to see just exactly what was involved and how it compared to regular boxing events with regard to safety and the general format.
For the full PDF version click > HERE <

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